Practice Areas


Areas of Expertise at Rosenblatt Warren LLP

Our dedicated and experienced team of attorneys, Alan Rosenblatt and David Warren, offer a wide range of legal services involving family relationships. No matter how complex your issue is, we represent you in New York Supreme, Family and Appellate Courts across New York State. Through our skills, extensive experience, and knowledge, we ensure to achieve the best outcomes for you by negotiation and/or litigation.

Matrimonial Law

Serving Rockland County, Orange County, Westchester County, Putnam County, and the entire Hudson Valley, our team handles an array of cases relating to marriage and familial relationships. We are experienced in the areas of pre-nuptial agreements and enforcement of divorce judgments as well. Examples of matters we handle include:

  • Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection
  • Divorce
  • Equitable Distribution of Marital Property
  • Declaration of Separate Property
  • Maintenance (Alimony)
  • Enforcement of Court Orders
  • Modification of Court Orders
  • Parental Alienation
  • Paternity
  • Family Offenses
  • Child Protective Proceedings
  • Legal Separation
  • Grandparents’ Rights

In addition to representing clients in traditional litigation matters in the Supreme Courts and Family Courts, we have appeared in arbitration proceedings and have engaged in the collaborative process. The collaborative process is a recent dispute resolution innovation whose object is to resolve familial disputes while avoiding the traditional methodology of litigation. While our primary goal is to resolve all familial matters of a dispute through negotiation without trial, we will litigate when there is no other bona fide choice.

Our attorneys are sensitive to the difficult nature of these matters. As a result, we handle each case with care while informing you of the options available to you. Moreover, you can be assured that you can contact us whenever you need us so we can give expedited responses to your concerns or questions during this difficult time in your life.


The decision to end a marriage is usually painful and can be stressful and contentious. At Rosenblatt Warren LLP, our lawyers handle all aspects of divorce to help you move forward. Even when the divorce is uncontested, it is important to consult with an attorney to ensure all the legal requirements are met.

How the Divorce Process Starts

A divorce action can begin in two different ways—one formal, through the court; and the other less formal, through negotiation. Our firm can guide you through the process if formal pleadings are necessary, but we are also experienced in resolving divorces through negotiation and settlement.

If you and your spouse are amenable to an uncontested divorce, our attorneys can draft a letter on your behalf to your spouse, informing him or her about your rights and interests. We are also adept at acting on your behalf if formal litigation becomes necessary.

Next Steps

An important step in divorce proceedings is the preliminary conference. This allows the parties to identify the issues they can resolve themselves and those that may need to be tried or for which discovery is necessary. If there are issues on which the parties agree, interim orders may be issued at this time.

In addition to narrowing the issues, the preliminary conference is also important in establishing a timetable for discovery and, if necessary, trial. Financial statements and other products of the discovery process will typically have to be exchanged to resolve the issues, and our attorneys are known for their thorough discovery.

Our lawyers hire financial experts, such as forensic accountants and other witnesses to list existing assets and determine their values. This is important for dividing the marital property, determining the separate property, and calculating maintenance (alimony) and child support.

Collaborative Law

Collaborative law is a new approach to resolving family law issues, emphasizing civility and truthfulness over confrontation. In essence, it functions much like mediation, except that lawyers are directly involved, along with experts shared by the parties, such as accountants and real estate appraisers. Though each party has his or her own attorney, those attorneys must withdraw if negotiations to resolve the issues amicably are not successful.

Our firm has attorneys who have been trained in collaborative law. They can work with you to use the collaborative process to gain more control over the terms and timetable of the eventual settlement. By avoiding litigation, you may also be able to lessen the tensions and be able to cooperate more easily in the future over the long term—something that is especially desirable when children are involved.

Calculating Child Support

It is also important to know the financial situation of each party when there are children involved. Calculating child support correctly requires that all income and assets be disclosed.

The Role of Pre-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements

Although we seek to make every matrimonial law matter as smooth as possible, we are also vigorous when defending your rights. Many clients have pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreements that describe financial settlements to be made in the event of a divorce or death. Especially when there are significant assets involved, the process is speeded when a prenup or postnup has been drafted.

You do not need to go far to find a lawyer who can represent you effectively in a complex divorce. Rosenblatt Warren LLP is here to guide you.

Child Custody

Child custody and parenting time (access or visitation) are among the most contentious issues in a divorce. Our attorneys help parents resolve child custody matters, mindful that the standard in determining the same is in the best interests of the children.

Legal Custody

Typically, the courts do not grant joint legal custody arrangements unless both parties agree. Obtaining a joint legal custody order allows you as parents to make decisions about major life matters for your child or children. Courts will issue joint legal custody orders when they believe that parents will be able to work together to benefit the child, and provided both parents agree.

Physical Custody

A physical custody order determines where the child lives and for how long. When physical custody is awarded to one parent, the other parent usually receives parenting time (access or visitation rights). Courts look favorably on physical custody arrangements that allow the child to be with both parents.
However, there are many instances when this is not possible. When parents are separated by great distances or there is a history of domestic violence, shared physical custody or significant visitation is seldom awarded.

The Importance of Resolving Custody Disputes

We work to develop custody proposals that will be accepted by the court and the parties. This is preferable to having the court impose a custody arrangement that may be in no one’s best interest. The court may appoint an attorney for the child to investigate and make recommendations about custody and visitation when parents are unable to resolve a custody dispute. The court may also appoint a forensic psychiatrist or psychologist.

Related Custody Issues

We also help clients with:

  • Relocation issues
  • Enforcement of custody orders
  • Modifications of custody and visitation orders

Get in Touch With Our Lawyers

Seek legal representation from our highly skilled and knowledgeable lawyers today. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation.